Each week West Leeds Dispatch brings you the latest planning applications from your part of West Leeds.
This week’s applications include:
Armley Ward
- Variation of condtion 2 (approved plans) of previous approval 15/03168/FU for MINOR MATERIAL AMENDMENT to allow changes to the internal arrangement of the buildings and external appearance – NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 18/06381/FU – Amendments to Site Layout, landscaping layout, boundary treatment layout and fencing and railing detailsChrist Church Vicarage Armley Ridge Road Armley Leeds LS12 3LD
- External alterations to ground floor windows and internal ground floor subdivided into two units 1 – 3 Town Street Armley Leeds LS12 1XL
- Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 15 and 19 of Planning Application 18/06381/FUChrist Church Armley Ridge Road Armley Leeds LS12 3LD
- Listed building application for internal and external repairs and alterations including works to stoneworks, boiler drain, plasterwork, electrical power circuits, replacement steel and timber beams, replacement windows, installation of radiators and reinstatement of chimney brickwork around flues Pair Of Houses And Warehouse Armley Mills Industrial Museum Canal Road Armley Leeds LS12 2QF
- Listed Building Application for internal and external repairs and alterations including stoneworks and rendering, roof repairs including raising a section of the roof height, installation of drain and adjust guttering, timber window repairs and replacement Drying House Range Leeds Industrial Museum Armley Mills Canal Road Armley Leeds LS12 2LX
Bramley & Stanningley Ward
- Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 3 and 4 of Planning Application 18/00855/FU 16A Moorfields Bramley Leeds LS13 3JZ
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to Gable and Dormer window to rear; Rooflight to front 14 Westmoor Rise Bramley Leeds LS13 3DB
- Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 4 of Planning Application 19/01976/FU Pavillion Business Centre Stanningley Road Leeds
Calverley & Farsley Ward
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to Gable and Dormer window to rear; Rooflights to front22 Moorland Drive Stanningley Pudsey LS28 8ER
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to the Gable and Dormer window to rear; Rooflights to front24 Moorland Drive Stanningley Pudsey LS28 8ER
- Single storey rear extension11 Westway Farsley Pudsey LS28 5HU
- Single storey rear extension28 Ederoyd Drive Stanningley Pudsey LS28 7RB
- Detached outbuilding (log cabin) to rear28 Moorland Road Stanningley Pudsey LS28 8EJ
- Retrospective application for change of use of office/store to educational centre/charity officeThornbury Works Sunnybank Lane Thornbury BD3 7DG
- Two storey rear and single storey side and rear extension39 Woodhall Park Avenue Stanningley Pudsey LS28 7HF
- Change of use of office (B1) to offices, beauty treatment and training rooms (D1)19 Bradford Road Stanningley Pudsey LS28 6AT
Farnley & Wortley
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey rear extension10 Green Hill Gardens Wortley Leeds LS12 4HE
- Detached agricultural building and detached block of stables and tack room Holly Farm 1C Back Lane New Farnley Leeds LS12 5HN
Kirkstall Ward
Alterations involving raising of ground level and the construction of gabion retaining walls, 58 Commercial Road Kirkstall Leeds LS5 3AQ.
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Pudsey Ward
- Please see attached Tree Condition Survey – PM/23/10/19. We are seeking consent for all the recommended works within this report in order to bring these trees into good management. I believe T1, T12c, G31, T20, T21, T24 and T25 are subject to a TPO and the works to the remaining trees will be a Conservation Area issue (T2, T3, T5, G2, G3, G7, T10, G32, G33 & G34). Moravian Church Museum 55 – 57 Fulneck Pudsey LS28 8NT
- Retrospective application for three non-illuminated signs Hutton Manor Crawshaw Road Pudsey LS28 7UB
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a Dormer window to the rear, single storey side extension, porch to front and rooflights to front17 Harley Gardens Swinnow Leeds LS13 4QB
- Single storey rear extension 2 Swinnow Green Pudsey LS28 9AW
- Alterations and extensions to three garages including retention of two garages to form bungalow Garage Site Off Clifton Road Pudsey LS28
- 6m single storey rear extension, 3.9m to ridge height and 2.9m to eaves 17 Harley Gardens Swinnow Leeds LS13 4QB