Motorists are being warned that delays are likely when urgent roadworks close Pudsey’s busy Richardshaw Lane in both directions from next week.
Yorkshire Water say repair work will be carried out during the school holidays near Stanningley Bottom. They will start on Monday, 1 August 2022, and are expected to last ten days
Richardshaw Lane will shut between the railway bridge and the junction with Bradford Road and Town Street for the duration of the works.
Advanced signs are being put out on site to warn motorists of the works and Yorkshire Water will letter drop affected residents and local businesses.
Yorkshire Water’s contractors will be carrying out extensive work to rebuild four manhole frames and replace their respective inspection chambers. They added: “These have been failing over a period of time, and are currently made safe with steel road plates.”
Town Street, Stanningley, will also see temporary traffic lights installed at difference places between 30 July and 20 August due to work being carried out by Northern Powergrid. Delays are expected.
Details of all roadworks in Leeds can be found here.
How many more times are they going to dig up Stanningley Town Street? They’ve only recently removed the last lot of temporary lights. I’ve always said that Pudsey and Stanningley are the training grounds for hole diggers!!
Yorkshire Water, when they took over responsibility from Pudsey council, those years ago; found maps & records were incomplete for the borough.
I imagine Yorkshire Water, are still playing catch up from over 40 years ago.