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HomeNewsKirkstall Road: Woodrup Cycles submits expansion plans

Kirkstall Road: Woodrup Cycles submits expansion plans

A family-run cycle shop off Kirkstall Road is looking to expand – less than 18 months after it was submerged during the Boxing Day floods of 2015.

Tony Woodrup, owner of Woodrup Cycles, has submitted a planning application to form a larger cycle showroom by demolishing an existing single-storey extension and building a new two-storey rear extension at the shop in Burley.

Local cyclist Stuart Seton said:

“It’s great news – they’ve worked really hard after the floods, it’s a great local business and I’m pleased to see them expanding.”

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The shop was left under several feet of water when the River Aire broke its banks on Boxing Day 2015, with parts of Kirkstall Road unreachable for several days.

In correspondence with Leeds City Council’s planning department, Mark Scatcherd of design consultants MAS acknowledged the flooding on site. He said:

“Measures to the existing building have been carried out through advice taken from the Environment Agency.

“As part the current building regulation application we are due to submit these will include [for] raised plug sockets, tiled floors, flood gates to the entrance doors etc…”

The application can be viewed in full here.

Meanwhile, Woodrup has posted on Facebook that it was ‘honoured’ to have street artist Stewy Stencils’ latest masterpiece – an image of cyclist Beryl Burton on the side of its building. Stewy’s life size stencil captures cycling legend Beryl Burton, husband Charlie and daughter Denise:


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