Saturday, March 15, 2025
HomeNewsCycle Superhighway: City Connect answer FAQs

Cycle Superhighway: City Connect answer FAQs

The Cycle Superhighway section between Leeds city centre and Bradford has been open for nearly a month now. CityConnect, which is running the scheme, has asked for feedback on the lanes running through parts of Armley, Bramley, Stanningley and Thornbury and into Bradford.

They’ve posted some answers to frequently asked questions on their website, which we’re reproducing here:

Firstly, we’d like to thank all the people who’ve written, called, Tweeted and Facebooked us with their comments. Even if you’ve not been in contact, this is our chance to respond to some of the most frequently asked questions.

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Parking in the Cycle Superhighway is currently being enforced by teams from Bradford and Leeds who are currently issuing fines. There are people still parking on the cycle route but the number is quickly diminishing. However if you want to report a vehicle parked in the Superhighway, you can do so using the details below. If you are west of Sunnybank Lane on the A647 then please contact Bradford, if you’re east, then contact Leeds.

You can email Leeds at
or call them on 0113 3950050

You can call them on 01274 434883 during daytime and out of hours 01274 432940.

General maintenance

We’ve also had reports of broken glass, gravel and other detritus in the cycle lane. We’re going to be setting up a dedicated maintenance service once the whole of the cycle route is open – until then it’s being cleared on an ad-hoc basis.

The route will be gritted during winter.

Cycle Crossings

We’ve had some excellent feedback about the way we’ve dealt with crossings on the Superhighway – especially the push-button crossings exclusively for cyclists.

There’s been a couple of incidences when they haven’t worked as intended but these should be now be fixed.

If you do see one that is broken, not responding or otherwise not working as intended, please continue to report these to us as it will allow us to get them fixed quickly.

Another often reported issue is where the signals are working, but seem to be sluggish in giving you the green light! We’re talking to Urban Traffic Control in both Leeds and Bradford to address these issues to smooth them out for people cycling.

What do you think? Have your say in the comments section below.



  1. This so called cycle super highway is an expensive luxury for the few, but paid for by local and national government using taxpayers money.
    The numbers using this even initially and in summer cannot justify the expenditure and chaos caused during construction as well as the limitations and dangers imposed on the pedestrians and motorists as a direct result of this white elephant. I can not imagine how this scheme came to fruition between these two cities .
    I hope that usage is monitored and made public over time!
    I suspect that perhaps 5% or less of the taxpaying public are cyclists and only a few of those are daily cyclists how can this expenditure be justified? The other 95% of taxpayers are funding this useless and dangerous cyclepath!

  2. I travel from Bradford to the Pudsey area & back on a daily basis & the problem that is now causing me annoyance is on the A647 when returning home around Thornbury/Galloway Lane area, . Cars that would usually park on the pavement (which I believe is an illegal procedure) are no longer allowed to do this as the cycle lane is in its place. So these residents now part in the inside lane of the A647 to Bradford causing traffic travelling at 40mph to have to pull out of that lane into another lane of busy traffic all moving at 40ph. These residents have driveways which could clearly be used but obviously feel they are attempting to prove an annoying point by parking on a lane of traffic!! Could this type of parking not be enforced also????

  3. I cycle daily to and from Leeds, from the east of the city.
    The cyclepath is not yet completed, and sections which are, seem more dangerous than using the road (pedestrians in the cycle path, people waiting for buses, the ‘slalom’ sections around bus stops on steep hills, a massive number of entrances to businesses, domestic properties and side streets).
    Despite this many motorists are now of the opinion that cycles should no longer be allowed to use the main carriageway. Verbal assaults are a daily occurrence and physical assaults (motorists deliberately swerving into cyclists paths, blocking cyclists routes et cetera) at least weekly.
    Appalling waste of money that meets no road user’s requirements.


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