Sunday, March 16, 2025
HomeEventsArmley Junktion hosts event to mark Jo Cox MP's birthday

Armley Junktion hosts event to mark Jo Cox MP’s birthday

Armley Junktion is today holding an event as part of a worldwide celebration of the life of murdered MP Jo Cox.

The pay as you feel cafĂ© is marking Ms Cox’s 42nd birthday by hosting a ‘More in Common: A Worldwide Celebration of Jo Cox’ event. It runs at the cafĂ© from 4-5pm.

Armley resident Louise Cunningham wrote this piece on the Armley Junk-tion Facebook Group:

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On Jo Cox’s birthday this Wednesday, show the world that we have far #MoreInCommon than that which divides us.

Across the world, we will gather together to celebrate Jo’s life; her warmth, love, energy, passion, flair, Yorkshire heritage, and her belief in the humanity of every person in every place, from Batley and Spen to Aleppo and Darayya.

Jo believed that there is more that unites us than divides us, and she was killed for those beliefs. She believed in a love that is fierce, brave and humble. Her death has devastated a family, and attacked the ideals that we as a nation most cherish.

But we will not be divided. We will rise up together to carry Jo’s message forward. We will meet hate with love.

On the day Jo would have been 42, we are asking everyone, everywhere to love like Jo loved.

Jo’s legacy is a direct challenge to everyone here, to take part, speak up and be a voice for the voiceless, to treat even those we disagree with with tolerance and genuine respect.

Let’s honour Jo on Wednesday by carrying forward the message that she now symbolises around the world – that we have #moreincommon than that which divides us.


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