Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeNewsArmley councillor Lou Cunningham to step down

Armley councillor Lou Cunningham to step down

Armley Labour councillor Louisa Cunningham has decided to step down from the role and will not stand for re-selection ahead of next May’s local election.

Councillor Cunningham announced she would not be standing for re-selection in the Armley ward at the weekend.

She has been a councillor since May 2019 and has said that after the next council election in May 2023 she would stand down but remain active within the community and continue her involvement in many local projects and groups as a local activist.

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Cllr Cunningham posted: “I want to let people know that I have not put myself forward as a candidate for the local elections next year. As a result, from May 2023 I will no longer be one of your Armley Labour councillors.

“Until then, [it’s] business as usual and although I will be stepping down from my role, I won’t be stepping away from my heartland Armley, my home and my community.”

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